Start now to improve your life in some way, small or large. For many people, today is a day off as the United States officially celebrates the new year. What are you doing today about making 2018 the best year of your life, or at least a better year than the year before?
Do you make resolutions? Or have you given up on the concept of making them around the turn of the year? Maybe you already made your reservations but have doubts about whether they’ll stick.
I have a solution. Over 1000 people have read my short guide on New Year’s resolutions. From the 5-star reviews and comments, and my own experience, I know the approach I describe works.
It just takes some minutes of planning to make the doing easier. My little guide,The Resolution Roadmap: Achieve Your Resolutions And Goals With An Effective New System, has been revised and expanded for 2018, with a big bonus package. You get everything you need to get going immediately: made-for-you templates in four formats for use on all your devices or online. Written instructions and videos to make setup a snap. And a guide for getting unstuck, as well as Derek Doepker’s audible of the getting unstuck chapter from The Personal Power Roadmap: The Ultimate 7 Step System to Effectively Solve Problems, Make Decisions, and Reach Your Goals.
Folks, it doesn’t get any easier! I have set up two for myself for 2018. I know that I get little done without putting it in writing and tracking my progress. I do it just the way I describe in The Resolution Roadmap: Achieve Your Resolutions And Goals With An Effective New System. You can, too. Just answer the START NOW questions that come with the guide, and start filling in your roadmap. Create doable action steps and record your progress. There are six case histories to inspire you, showing exactly how my clients have successfully applied this process to the most common resolutions (weight loss, exercise, quitting smoking, clearing out clutter, improving relationships, getting a new career or job). If they can do it, you can, too!
There’s a ton of stuff out there on New Year’s resolutions, setting and achieving goals, and changing habits, but reading through it all won’t get you where you want to go. You need to just start doing it. For 99 cents, you get this 30-page guide and a big bonus package. You’ll make a giant leap forward. So start now to create a better version of yourself and a more fulfilling life.